Route Tree
Rules to Remember
- The numbers always read from outside in. For example, in a "179" play, the outside receiver runs a Whip (1), the middle receiver runs a Corner (7), and the inner-most receiver runs a Go (9).
- If there are two receivers on each side of the field, and the play is an "87", then the outside receivers run a Post (8), and the inside receivers run a Corner (7).
- If there's a single backside receiver, that receiver runs a Slant route.
- If there are two backside receivers, the inside receiver runs a Drag, and the outside receiver runs a Slant.
Doubles Right 78 Bob
Doubles Right Slay 37 Bob
Empty Right 097 Fake Z Bubble
Empty Right Sprite 973 Bob
Empty Right Z Bubble
Trips Left Tight H Jet Sprite 83
Trips Right H Orbit Fake 39 Toss 93 Bob